Lycanthropes (Lycans) or were creatures as they are more well known as, are more common in the time frame of Mythical enchantment than one might expect. Lycans are usually humans or elves that have been bitten by a lycanthrope and thus they, themselves, become one. The other races that are known to become lycanthropes are half-elves, dwarves, and gnomes.

Types of Lycanthropes:
1.Were wolf
2.Were cat
3.Were bear
4.Were Rat

Mythical Enchantment © D.Dixon 2000
The characters placed upon this site are © copyright to their creators. The images themselves (unless specified) are ones I've found from around the net. the game Mythical enchantment itself was created by me in the year 2000/2001.

© D.Dixon 2000